
Thursday, September 30, 2004

newfound sites i love :
- becoz she is beautiful and very funny.
and becoz she is chummy with chloe sevigny.
-becoz once in a while..or more often we should pull off

and finally a blog not about amelie and not at montmartre
but a place known as montpellier instead..and abt a girl i know..heh

(* direct links from here..copy and paste/bookmark if need to)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

i found a book i love next to my other fav book..almost finished with reading "desperately seeking paradise", a terrific and highly engaging book..if you are interested in some discourse on the religion..

this book however is not at all that 'heavy' one review had it,

"one thing special about this book is that sardar does not preach; he seeks people to debate with, learn from and laugh with, and there are plenty of laughs along the way. "

in fact i find my self chuckling and smiling at a lot of his astute observations and his example, running through the book, there are some on the bearded one on the men we have here..

"i return to malaysia to continue our work. for me it was still a land of people without beards. the straggly, wispy beards of the more pious malays are totally unconvincing. to someone like me, who is generously endowed with hair all over his body, it appeared that the malays had almost impossible task attempting to cultivate a had to be a providential sign, it out to mean that ther were amenable to change, more open to alternative possibilities within islam..."


last evening i went to my fav bookshop, kino, before meeting my friends. i was feeling very happy about my 'desperately seeking...' readings, i wandered once against towards the bookshelves..but as i got nearer...i noticed a man looking somewhat familiar beside the same shelves i was heading to..i stared and realised he looked like my dad! what was my dad doing amongst english books (not that he cant read them..but not likely)..then i realised it was my uncle! thank god he was absorbed in checking out the books..he did not notice me. i could have just walked straight towards him and greeted him..but i decided against that..coz there i was in my low hipster jeans..cropped top and all going towards religious studies shelves, and meeting my uncle of all people! to save ourselves from a possible akward moment, i turned back. phy said it sounded rather rude of me..but i just though it was weird..

there's something about my paternal family and religion..i think this side is more bound to it that my maternal side, maybe partly because of my late grandfather's influence.

saying that, everyone of us kids in the paternal family went through the secular education route..but the secular leaning is perhaps stronger for me than all my other female i had written it down before in my blog..i am the second eldest female granddaughter in the family and the only one not wearing the tudung..but of coz..nobody in the family said anything about or against it....

right now, i find myself still enamoured by worldly superficialities, like the allure of low hipster jeans. sometimes.for now. hopefully. but then again there are things which i am keen on learning, and relearning and currently for the faith, the seductive part of it for me, lies not in the traditions which we are so used to and grown accustomed, but the cerebral stuffs...hence the readings..maybe this arise from the science background..i never realised it..but maybe it's that scientific mind and analytical yearning..perhaps?

i dunno really..if it is any surprising at all..or just as we know all along, we humans are contradictions, or maybe its all about straddling two worlds.

Monday, September 27, 2004

It's always better on holiday
So much better on holiday
That's why we only work when we need the money


Sunday, September 26, 2004

it was quite a weekend. went to a funeral tis morning, and spent the half of the day at the cemetery. it was pretty sad, when i think of it again, the matriarchs of the families at PS , all had but left us.


the second half of the day was more upbeat. after recuperating from my fried out state ( we all know how extreme the weather gets to be at that end of the island), went out for my yakun indulgence session while he had his noodles..

then he felt like going for a walk. we headed once more to that seedy neighbourhood we know so well..but to a place we have not been for some time..alas, we found the place had changed..rather the goods sold are not as exciting as they used to be..not much antiques or refurbished turntables as much as many many used utilitarian items. it has turned out to be a real megamall of second hand stuffs for the workers..hence not as exciting as it used to be...but as we all know, with new people come some new scenes..

the food to cater to the foreign workers and locals like us who dont mind mingling with the sweaty bodies abound..

so we decided to walk back to the aircon malls of bugis..saw this of our fav pickmeupers for the days we lack Vitamin C..and B

more excitement followed later..when one man whizzed by us running as if he had to save his life..and seconds later we found out that he WAS running to save his life. a loud exclamation of KNCB..and some officers of the law were running pass us and after the man, in their hushpuppied shoes (that's wat he said)..which i tot pathetically slowed them down actually.

and that somewhat concluded the sunday day out. headed back after dat and did some work..

Saturday, September 25, 2004

you know sometimes i am made to feel that we are still not there yet. this place is still run like a third world country.

i had to freaking wait more than half an hour for the bus today. spoilt my dinner plans. i imagined myself stranded in no man's land waiting for the bus that comes once every hour. the only exception was i had just stepped out of the mall, to be specific, a hypermart.

my small tub of ice cream was threatening to meltdown to milkshake. my gastric juices was making me feel sick...

i am one impatient lady..but what got me madder is that i know how this bF*%$&* state of public transportation got to be. coz they got too smart for their own good. like some nation got too smart and ended up with a banana republic of an election..but i digress. i was just fuming and was tempted to behave like a third world passenger when i got on the bus, to take out my ice cream tub and finish it off. but of coz i dint.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

the 'phy' on this site, is pronouced as fai. just like the mathematical symbol 'phi' is pronounced 'fai'. only that i prefer it to have a 'y' at the end here so it joins nicely with the z in his name and also of coz to the other half (ie. 'is' of course)

so if the singer who used to be prince has a symbol to represent himself..this guy errmm also has a symbol to his name...none other than 'phi/phy'

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


uhmmm if i am not yet as crazy as i thought..its getting to me again, whether i want it or not. a case of pre-wed idiocy or the overactive mind..too many ideas flying here and there right now..

take a breather, .... and lets read about some other peoples' for now..

"The August issue of Budget Living magazine has a fun article on a couple who held an old-school reception in a cafeteria. They served pizza, tater tots, juice boxes, etc. Invitations were in the form of a report card and the RSVP required the invitee to grade themselves on social skills and dancing. Cute! Favors = shiny red apple.

ReadyMade had another article a few months back on a couple who held their evening reception in a big empty parking lot and hired a taco truck to serve the food. Band-friends played the music. "

-from indiebride forum

beauty story 1:

was at sasa the other day, browsing for some skincare products when a range of products on the shelf stopped me in my tracks.

"97.5% human placenta" main ingredient"

check out

Maylande founder May Liu said: 'When I was young, my mum boiled placenta and made into a soup. I didn't know it was good for health but now I do.'

Mrs Liu said she had visited the factories: 'The placentas are still dripping with blood. Then they are tested for HIV and other diseases.'

The placentas are processed to extract the active element for the Maylande treatments, the amino acids - proteins which help regenerate cells.

For the tonic, no flavourings or additives are added.

For the facial essence, a small amount of antiseptic is added.

And for the hair tonic, a dash of water, menthol and citric acid is added, according to Mrs Liu.

Mrs Liu could not say who the manufacturers were, due to a confidentiality agreement.

Placenta is found in many cosmetics in Asia and the West. "

*gulp* read those labels next time, kay.

Monday, September 20, 2004

had to finish some work which i had been putting off, last the time i got to bed it was late..then i had insomnia..

read a book which has been my reading material for the long train rides..i was introduced to it by a blogger and i shall introduce it and recommend it to whoever read this blog

there are some phrases in there which i like a lot. one of which..taken from a famous figure and quoted in the book..

"no one can truly believe unless he has doubted"

anyway i love it as i love books bout people on a journey..

Sunday, September 19, 2004

how important it is to have the past week..we were there to mend a broken heart and to heal another bruised heart..and of coz companions for some retail therapy and gym partners to work it out.

and girlfriends can also be relied on to give one a blast of a time..with their creativity that most guys..ahemmm lack...and the craziness thrown in there..i had a whale of a fun time celebrating my belated birthday. am so very touched by the efforts, garland and all, to pull such a thing especially view of the scarcity of telur. also, i shall try to sing the song next time..but i can never beat the music teacher eh..heheheh..melu malu no more now, so let's say it one more time, the more we get together, the merrier we'll be :)

very pretty, i love! so matching and coordinated eh..

and the completed works of jewel on me..and in the foreground two sari cloth i had received for my birthday. just need to find a good seamstress willing to take in another order at this time.


for the record, my history of loosely use the term,as i dun honestly have a fetish for things indian,..started during my jc days. i guess the interest developed from the friendships forged. but honestly too, i had always have equal opportunity friendship..of the different races in my years of education till now. i only had an issue with a particular group, in which things end up being more complicated then they should be, which got me wary for a while, but that's another story.

anyway my jc class was one with a lot of scholars. during my time, we have not opened up to those in prc ..instead we have the sia scholars from india. and so i had a few in my class..we just clicked. or they find me to be the more friendlier of the local people in class perhaps.

there was this girl, called arti from bombay..and the class joker onced introduced us as 'this is arti and this isn't'-arti'. arti of coz is the smarter and more confident between the two. it wasnt very clear to me how close we were until one day, arti confided to me, a conflict in the matters of the heart. eventually she got it sorted out herself and went out with the other dashing scholar avin..i think they are married now.

and then of coz there was the angtsy AB who was actually from UWC and got put off by another he always appeared like he got a chip on his shoulder ..and who some in class thought he was slightly delusional. he was also the first snag i knew. sometimes i felt i was the mediator for him and some people. we went on to visit him in london later on. and surprsingly phyz got on with him very well..hahahah ..i thk they clicked..over some things i rather not mention here. he had also got on very well with my friends in uni.

and then there was G. who was really really smart but he just couldnt settle down. instead after a few tests and exams became a master pen twirler. that wasnt the funniest thing about G. he had his whole family in india ready to disown him when they found out that he had cut off his turban..and from him i knew there was such a thing as a fix on fake turban..something he would put on when family visited.

and then i got to know hari in uni, who is actually of nepali descent but whose family had settled down in the tea plantation state of assam. and i had always told him i wanted to visit him there coz i had always wanted to see a tea station..he aced his studies of coz and clinched a much coveted job in a top consulting firm..i will always remember him as the a brilliant humble guy, who also always remember my birthday :)

and then there was a few more later on in my work life. arpal in the states. kk in singapore, the friend who also happen to be our boss... and rohit..another humble quiet brilliant guy who also happen to be a secret master chef..

the common thread about all the above..they happen to be foreign indians..but i had my local indian friends. mostly the girls and then later on the two mr alis..who within the few months gave me a new introduction to the lil india that i know now where to find my thosai other than just tekka market and komalas..


oooh,..anyone, especially the ahpek, if he manages to read all the way till here, i can imagine that he is going to chuckle and say to himself..god, tis is like an ode to her indian friends..hahahaha

i think it doenst really matter what race or religion my friends are. i cherish them all the same. even if we are different, we can always find abit of ourselves in each other.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

have been busy and caught up with a few things at work and in my social life..

now i am feeling just tired.....


i found the medical term for an ailment i have. its scoliosis. not a bad case but i am 85% sure that's what i have. coz i have the two obvious signs, that is one shoulder is higher than the other and one shoulder blade more prominent than the other. i have yet gone to see a chiropracter..though i found out there is one in tanglin..but i expect it to be expensive ..maybe i will go soon. it's not severe but i do have some persistent backache..for now i have just made an appointment for my 'quick-fix'. wont solve the problem, but i just need to ease the tension.


i have been obsessed with something the past few days..hahah it started out of another vanity phase i am undergoing recently...but my recent interest in this particular thing has its roots all the way back when i was in secondary school.

anyway i am very tired to even blog about let me finish my research and someday i'll write about it.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

the wedding dinner. what can i say..after every wedding dinner, i cant help but want ours to come soon. hahahah..especially yesterday since he looked like he was enjoying himself..i think every new one he goes to he is looking more comfortable. getting used to it, eh. yesterday it was also rather sweet, touching and heartwarming, the speeches. reminds me of aimes' wedding. and rin's too. especially coz they have dated for so long.

and they look so happy and she looked so elegant. the vibe from the couple i guess permeates through the reception.

anyway, at that dinner..i got a few "so this is the fiancee..ini rupanya", like a bit late rite..coz he hasnt been introducing me for the past nine years to some people in his life, one of whom is one of his closer buddies. but it's okay. he has a few gangs of friends. and i know a few of his closer ones from the other groups...tho i used to be bothered by it..that he dint bring me along when he goes out with his friends. but since a few years back, i wasnt.

anyway, i am fine with it. meetin his friends and getting introduced like the girl he has been talking about but some of them have never met. i have already forgiven him..hahaha and i am happy enough. coz at the reception later today, the boy peeled prawns for me. from his own plate, he hadnt got a taste of them yet himself , he peeled the prawns and place em on mine...and i know he loves prawns. so i tink that is a sweet gesture....this makcik is touched :)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

it's a week like no others.
some parts bizarre..

*related link:

so what have happened so far today?

a lot of things, but the most significant so far... i did what i have decided i want to do every sept 11 from this year on. i went to donate blood.

the last time i did that was 10 years ago. today, i went to a community library since they held a donation drive there.

i had to weigh myself first and got through by 1kg above the min weight. wasnt painful except for a couple of pricks. nor was i mortified to see the amount of blood coming out of me. the nurse beside me had only been at the job for a month, but she was nice enough and massaged my vein coz the flow was rather slack. the only request from her was not to snap her photo..heheh but i wasnt going to coz i couldnt take very well with only one left hand

well, uhmm it may sound rather cheesy, but
on the day i am given my gift of life, i am giving
in return abt 300 ml worth of the 'gift of life'

and thankiu everyone for all the sweeet. and i really thought some people would have forgotten.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Are you righteous, kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your sufferings will be less because you loved goodness, truth? "

"This great evil--where's it come from? How'd it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who's doing this? Who's killing us, robbing us of life and light, mocking us with the sight of what we mighta known? Does our ruin benefit the earth?.....Is this darkness in you too? Have you passed through this night?"

The Thin Red Line

Thursday, September 09, 2004

damn..i really really want to watch them..

but tickets for performances here are expensive arent they?

the last two nights had dinner at the same restaurant tho different branches.. first night it was three guys and a lil lady, and the second night it was a double date plus one guy on his way to a date. on both nights, the boys had me in stiches with their wisecracks. we also had the luck of being served by a waiter, no make that sales rep as he likes to be known, with the most personality.

the place we went to was here. they have two branches. ala carte at the upper dickinson branch on one night and buffet at the bellios branch on the other night. this is a vegan place, and once in a while you will find the harekrishna types in addition to your indian families. somehow tis happen to be our favourite south indian vegetarian eatery and have been faithful customers, having stopped visiting the fast food komalas.

when i was a kid, indian vegetarian just meant thosai and its variations of masala or with egg.. now i love my paneers and pakoras. and from my stable of multiracial friends, among whom a few are indians, i got to learn the difference between my pooris and my bathuras and my idli and my uttapam. just like my korean friends thought me the difference between kimchi and kimbap, and my chinese friends thought me the difference between fun choy and lor mai kai. the hara halal version of coz. i in turn took the responsibility to tell them it's 'nasi le-r-mak' not 'nasi lomak'.

* related link: Lil India Food Index

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

just got back from a meal with frens. wats the latest news? someone got engaged 2 weeks ago to be married end of the year. what's with you guys? especially the ones who keep on saying their wedding dates are still far from sight. before one knows it, they wed and have babies earlier than i do..

and let me tell you about some of our asian chaps. no matter how cosmopolitan, well travelled or satc savvy they claim to be, they are mummies' boys. and when they get to the big 3-0 they panick..although they do not want to admit that. the only thing they can readily admit is that, yes, they had been pressured to settle down..

a few of my girlfriends used to tell me that asian men tend to date the wilder ones but eventually when it's time to settle down..they easily ditch the wild ones for the family approved sweet girl next door. i din really believe this until a year ago we interogated a friend who was about to get married..we just had to ask him what about his dating history of oriental girls. he especially had a thing for japanese girls. then it just came out from the horse's mouth that these girls were not the marriageble kind. of coz we found this incredulous and made a big fuss out of that statement. we just thought he was finding the easier way out when it comes to settling down.

and so the story of today, was another friend..who a year ago kept ranting and raving about an ex-girlfriend. the one who gave him nightmares when she left him. how he was willing to go through the struggles, to put up with family opposition to marry her eventhough she was not 'right' according to his family. she was of another race and religion, dresses skimpily, eats with chopsticks and drove him mad a lot of times.

today he is engaged and to be married to another girl, perfectly matched for him. just like the other friend is married to the perfectly matched wife..i used to wonder how it got to be but now i am no longer as surprised..phy has a few guy friends who are still very 'unsettled'. i just had to tell him..just watch when they near 30 and still very much unsettled..they may just run to their mummies to help them find a wife. like a lot of good asian boys. really. eventhough they may not want to admit it. eventhough it initially dint look that way, and it seemed they are being 'pressurrised' to settle down.

but then it aint that bad. seeing that my friend is pretty happily married and that the wife is not as conservative as we thought she was going to be. in fact she is a lady about town who constantly surprises us.

though the one i met today..he refused to tell me who she is..she's one of my 'sisters in learning and sisters at heart'..not to difficult for me to find out so he didnt need to make it seem such a secret :P

*movie to watch: monsoon wedding

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

he sometimes tell me reading blogs is a waste of time..but i beg to differ..i read blogs just as i would want to read those columns by sumiko or whoever you have in the papers. people just have to share what they have of life..and maybe that's why seinfeild was popular ..people just love to be entertained with what can be sometimes, the mundanes and nothingness of everyday life, or the observations of life in general. especially by gifted people who can make it seems all the more interesting.

those who can capture these everyday things and make them look magical, make excellent photograpehrs. those who can verbalise these so well and take a mickey out of it, make excellent standup comedians. and those who can express these down in words so beautifully make excellent bloggers (if they are already not the paid columnists..but of coz sometimes even the star bloggers beat them hands down)

it all started with ain's (one of the coolest babes online). a lot of them write very well. the melayus there. i am so jealous. to continue with my love affair of malaysian blogs :
" How many of us lead dual or more lives? Filial daughters and sons, flirty babes and bastards, power Melayu barus and new money Chuppies, caring sisters and indifferent brothers? Friday-praying Muslims and Saturday e-popping ravers? All this beneath the appearance of being "normal" - also translated as good, law abiding, religiously-grounded, earnestly employed citizens of a developing nation?

Think about it. Some of us even have secrets from ourselves.

How many wedding receptions have you been to where you know the groom got married to the bride because he felt it was time? And not because he was marrying you - the self-confessed love of his life? "



and this morning i felt saddened when i read the world news in the papers. then i flipped though life and read what maggie cheung had to say

"i've seen the 9/11 attacks. i don't want to bring another person to this evil world"

someone's friend actually had that same line as a reason of not wanting a baby.

anyway, another blogger whom i had admired and whose blog i had followed for so long recommended this book. wont have time to read but would still love to get my hands on it.

Monday, September 06, 2004

the Director General went out with the Creative Director and Senior Advisor of the party today..she is very appreciative of them for they have a better 'eye' for what DG was looking for and just knew where to get 'em things. even better, was the fact that DG and her advisors covered quite a lot of ground today.

oh, and the CFO, chief finacial officer, also joined the gang later in the afternoon.

the CFO plays many other roles actually, the Chief Emotional Advisor being one of em. eventho that tittle sounds whimpy and doesnt fit the image very well, DG very much appreciate his shadow role. especially these days.

CFO is also supposed to be the Co-General, but since he is unwilling to assume such a heavy responsibility of dwelling on the technicalities, he stays as just the CFO. at least, that's how he likes to be seen for now.

which is a pity, since he is good at making quick decisions. like just now..when the DG wasnt sure whether baby blue is fine for her. but apparently CFO wants that, since BLUE is his colour..or maybe CFO just didnt want DG and her gang of advisors to spend another half an hour sieving through different shades of blue or pink or purple for that matter. but DG wasnt very picky and decided to be a wee bit more adventurous. so she went with baby blue. DG has to admit tho that the baby blue was indeed very nice.

all the samples and selections however have to go before and be approved by a few COOs (chief operating officers). they, the DG feels, will definitely be more picky..but DG is adamant that at the end of the day, she has the veto power and gets to decide what she wants...coz it's her party afterall :P

some samples picked out today after a day of sourcing:

the CFO also plays the role of 'the guy who knock some sense' into DG...coz today she spent way too many moments with eyes shut in an attempt to visualise her party..hahahaha

Sunday, September 05, 2004

on sat while window shopping with my gf, we walked into furla coz earlier on..i had told her "you know, malay weddings we have to exchange gifts...and traditionally it will be stuffs like handbags, perfumes, shoes you have to help me decide what gifts i should want" a few minutes later we walked out..coz nothing caught my fancy. a few weeks back, another friend was suggesting i should ask for something 'branded' like gucci, dior...errrr....the thing is i wouldnt even consider carrying such things around on normal days..or if i can afford them..hmm would i?

i told him the stuffs he gets for me must be wearable and must be ME. dont get ferrangamo or what have you..though they are EXPENSIVE.. just aint me..anyway, he knows it too that this meena is not a 'branded'

now if i am a datin or a tai tai that will be different eh..but even if i get to be..i think i will be a good one who shant spend my hubbie's money away..hahah..last sunday life featured a kind hearted former tai tai, tanya, in beijing. i met her some years back. she was james's friend..she was gorgeous and still now it seems a truly gorgeous person...

anyway more on datin and tai-tais..i said before i like reading malaysian blogs..and this one is hilarious..supposedly written by a datin. i guess they're no different from the local tai tai or the indon ibu ibu we see around here (read today's paper?)..but somehow them being malay makes it more interesting...infact, when i was in malaysia i got a copy of the new mag GLAM..and they have this Cerita MakDatin column in it, which was interesting and funny at the same time. this one just blogs about it, and oooh, i love the way she's presenting, THE DATIN DAIRIES

Saturday, September 04, 2004

i should be asleep coz i am soooo tired..but i am just excited by the fact that this week was exciting enough i had 2 days off and next week..errmmm at least three. it's not much..but please let me have the hope that i will have three solid days of r&r.

of coz i will also be happy enuff to rest, bake, slack, go gym and just watch teeveee..for the next few days.

but a break also means..i may have sometime do a bit of wedding stuffs as always when the hols are here..coz's going to be 6 months soon..will be tied up again after tis break..and before i know it it's goin to be three. gasp. i dunno how to explain how i feel. i think its a mix of excitement and honestly scared. seriously. i think he is too..though he is getting the hang of it. it's a big deal i guess for a guy who hangs out with a lot of swinging bachelors..he's the 'abang abang' amongst them and as one said "twice the man he is" coz he(phyzal) is the first to get married..hahahah. welcome to adulthood, boys.

anyway some updates on wedding related stufffs;

-my wedding helpers were actually the ones who reminded me that since they and me have some free time..we might want to do some sourcing for some 'materials' next week.

- and as for us, we may go johore to visit his sis. and maybe look at cards there?

-my colig who errmm happened to be a SLP winner and who has a few films to his credit..exclaimed to me last week "makcik! i saw a profile of your fiance, not bad..both of you will be a photogenic couple..i am gonna photograph your wedding"..hahah. yeah! just hope he remembers when the day arrives :P

- not related to wedding..but my ego booster for the week..i got a poem that has a line which fiance is a lucky guy :P

anyway, so yeah..if anybody else wants to help. donate in cash or kind or are welcome, yeah. we will greatly appreciate it. decided some time back we will like this to be a collaboration of sorts. so maybe its going to be messy, less than perfect..a mishmesh but heck its a collaboration.


*amidst the joy of having an upcoming break..i am greatly disturbed by this. they must have been really desperate but its really sad and horrifying.

in any have to go on eventho we shant forget these atrocities. the human mind forgets easily as history has shown.

on a lighter note..i will also like to recommend this site..the angmoh version of the complaining aunty..

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

i am allowed to have wishlists, dont i...especially remembering how it happened last year..hahah i think i am forgiven for putting down my lust list especially tis week.

1) a holga camera..yes..i dont want to buy another camera..but it would be nice if i can have this one. make sense?

2) a white leather hobo bag

3) a good massage at my fav place

that's all. i dont have many desires...

about the last item..i dont know if what i need is another massage or a visit to the chiropractist. i like to scare my friends and acquaintences by asking them feel my shoulder blades rotating and creaking..yesterday i got a friend who is a bio sort of person to feel it..and then she told me that she could feel all the bones grinding the fluid or something..and i was like, what fluid? anyway, she advised me to go see the doctor and get a referral..this had in fact been going on for quite a while.

i blame it on my posture..and i also have a feeling my spinal alignment is not right..coz my mum always say my shoulder side higher than the other...but i have this shoulder which i will like to describe as and i was talking about 80s retro fashion and shoulder pads few days back..when he exclaimed "you look like you wear shoulder pads!"..and of coz i had to give out a huge gasp and a big "Noooo!"

..what i have been 'carrying' was in fact au naturale 'shoulder pads" ...i have this skinny straight shoulder with portuding bones..hence my shoulder pad look. but since i identify more with being in the noughties, i suspect i cant carry this 'shoulder pad look' very well (i.e the bad posture) hence the perrenial stiff shoulder and back aches..

even my MIL2B had been freaked out by my creaky shoulders and told me i better get it checked...and she managed to scare me by saying i may just aggravate the condition and it may haunt me when i am older. so maybe i would go to the doc next week..but i still will like that item 3 if i can.