the Director General went out with the Creative Director and Senior Advisor of the party today..she is very appreciative of them for they have a better 'eye' for what DG was looking for and just knew where to get 'em things. even better, was the fact that DG and her advisors covered quite a lot of ground today.
oh, and the CFO, chief finacial officer, also joined the gang later in the afternoon.
the CFO plays many other roles actually, the Chief Emotional Advisor being one of em. eventho that tittle sounds whimpy and doesnt fit the image very well, DG very much appreciate his shadow role. especially these days.
CFO is also supposed to be the Co-General, but since he is unwilling to assume such a heavy responsibility of dwelling on the technicalities, he stays as just the CFO. at least, that's how he likes to be seen for now.
which is a pity, since he is good at making quick decisions. like just now..when the DG wasnt sure whether baby blue is fine for her. but apparently CFO wants that, since BLUE is his colour..or maybe CFO just didnt want DG and her gang of advisors to spend another half an hour sieving through different shades of blue or pink or purple for that matter. but DG wasnt very picky and decided to be a wee bit more adventurous. so she went with baby blue. DG has to admit tho that the baby blue was indeed very nice.
all the samples and selections however have to go before and be approved by a few COOs (chief operating officers). they, the DG feels, will definitely be more picky..but DG is adamant that at the end of the day, she has the veto power and gets to decide what she wants...coz it's her party afterall :P
some samples picked out today after a day of sourcing:

the CFO also plays the role of 'the guy who knock some sense' into DG...coz today she spent way too many moments with eyes shut in an attempt to visualise her party..hahahaha
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