i should be asleep coz i am soooo tired..but i am just excited by the fact that this week was exciting enough i had 2 days off and next week..errmmm at least three. it's not much..but please let me have the hope that i will have three solid days of r&r.
of coz i will also be happy enuff to rest, bake, slack, go gym and just watch teeveee..for the next few days.
but a break also means..i may have sometime do a bit of wedding stuffs as always when the hols are here..coz gasp..it's going to be 6 months soon..will be tied up again after tis break..and before i know it it's goin to be three. gasp. i dunno how to explain how i feel. i think its a mix of excitement and honestly scared. seriously. i think he is too..though he is getting the hang of it. it's a big deal i guess for a guy who hangs out with a lot of swinging bachelors..he's the 'abang abang' amongst them and as one said "twice the man he is" coz he(phyzal) is the first to get married..hahahah. welcome to adulthood, boys.
anyway some updates on wedding related stufffs;
-my wedding helpers were actually the ones who reminded me that since they and me have some free time..we might want to do some sourcing for some 'materials' next week.
- and as for us, we may go johore to visit his sis. and maybe look at cards there?
-my colig who errmm happened to be a SLP winner and who has a few films to his credit..exclaimed to me last week "makcik! i saw a profile of your fiance, not bad..both of you will be a photogenic couple..i am gonna photograph your wedding"..hahah. yeah! just hope he remembers when the day arrives :P
- not related to wedding..but my ego booster for the week..i got a poem that has a line which said..my fiance is a lucky guy :P
anyway, so yeah..if anybody else wants to help. donate in cash or kind or effort..you are welcome, yeah. we will greatly appreciate it. decided some time back we will like this to be a collaboration of sorts. so maybe its going to be messy, less than perfect..a mishmesh but heck its a collaboration.
*amidst the joy of having an upcoming break..i am greatly disturbed by this. they must have been really desperate but its really sad and horrifying.
in any case..life have to go on eventho we shant forget these atrocities. the human mind forgets easily as history has shown.
on a lighter note..i will also like to recommend this site..the angmoh version of the complaining aunty..

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