yesterday while surfing for work related stuffs i found out something which a someone has done and i thought he could have been less 'selfish'..but never mind..hahah i rectified that..
but that made me more than glad to meet some old mates and friends last nite!

some things have changed, some things havent. there were old faces i was glad to see and new faces i was glad to meet ... especially one new fm moa who gave a new meaning to what another friend just said last week about jap girls..she was very nice and she was a natural soul sister who could MOVE.. and that is a compliment.
but he discovered he wasnt much a funksoul brader, prefering to stay at the side most times as all the other guys. maybe they prefered to sit back, to look at the decorations and advertisements on the wall and imagined that they were at the real thing :P
it was alrite..the girls knew how to entertain ourselves..even the newlywed one who already look proseperous and in bliss.
but of course the night has to belong to the girl in green..

adieu, my friend. have fun , live life and keep in touch!
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