have been very very busy..and the next two weeks will be very busy ones for me tho i expect them to be two very interesting weeks.
anyway..the girls i used to look for when i just needed to take a break, skip lectures...and to have tea in the canteen..where we shared our insecurities, fret about our choices and laughed at the boys.

*one of them taught me a very valubale tip.."always dress well coz you never know who you are going to meet" indeed, that has been useful to me ..hahaha..and the other taught me the meaning of quiet elegance and the meaning of being as cool as a (burmese) cat.
now one of them have already gone to a land far far a way, i suppose 'settled' in the 'windy city'. and the other leaving soon for another land just as far.
and someone mentioned..we all are moving to different phases and going on our own directions..
it's a lil sad but i suppose that's life..
and when i first started on this particular site..i blogged about a friend who called me at up at midnite coz she was stranded at a foreign airport and trying to find the fastest way back..she had eversinced gone for another adeventure..and everytime she comes back we always have a good laugh at her stories. the photos here.
since i am getting settled and putting some of my own adventures on hold, i suppose i have to live these adventures through my friends :)
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