
Tuesday, September 07, 2004

he sometimes tell me reading blogs is a waste of time..but i beg to differ..i read blogs just as i would want to read those columns by sumiko or whoever you have in the papers. people just have to share what they have of life..and maybe that's why seinfeild was popular ..people just love to be entertained with what can be sometimes, the mundanes and nothingness of everyday life, or the observations of life in general. especially by gifted people who can make it seems all the more interesting.

those who can capture these everyday things and make them look magical, make excellent photograpehrs. those who can verbalise these so well and take a mickey out of it, make excellent standup comedians. and those who can express these down in words so beautifully make excellent bloggers (if they are already not the paid columnists..but of coz sometimes even the star bloggers beat them hands down)

it all started with ain's (one of the coolest babes online). a lot of them write very well. the melayus there. i am so jealous. to continue with my love affair of malaysian blogs :
" How many of us lead dual or more lives? Filial daughters and sons, flirty babes and bastards, power Melayu barus and new money Chuppies, caring sisters and indifferent brothers? Friday-praying Muslims and Saturday e-popping ravers? All this beneath the appearance of being "normal" - also translated as good, law abiding, religiously-grounded, earnestly employed citizens of a developing nation?

Think about it. Some of us even have secrets from ourselves.

How many wedding receptions have you been to where you know the groom got married to the bride because he felt it was time? And not because he was marrying you - the self-confessed love of his life? "



and this morning i felt saddened when i read the world news in the papers. then i flipped though life and read what maggie cheung had to say

"i've seen the 9/11 attacks. i don't want to bring another person to this evil world"

someone's friend actually had that same line as a reason of not wanting a baby.

anyway, another blogger whom i had admired and whose blog i had followed for so long recommended this book. wont have time to read but would still love to get my hands on it.


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