tis morning i turned to my neighbour. since our office is an open concept..and our seats are flanking the 'highway' it is not difficult to notice what's on other's people screens..so today i took a few glances at his screen and just blurted out "k, you are on livejournal!" hahah wonder if that gave him a fright! his reply 'ya, i do but i won't tell you" and i have to say "neneneh, me too... i wont tell you mine. " tho mine is not on LJ..
i have actually spotted errmm a few others logging in to blogspot at work..which makes me miss MT..coz...errmm its not so obvious. i wonder if K is getting paranoid tonight by the fact that he was 'discovered' ...you know to some people i know..this webblogging thing is like a clandestine operation..maybe they dont want people in their real life to find out about their alt self. it is in truth a voyeuristic experience isnt it. which makes it more dangerous if you are the type of blogger who rant rave your thoughts on work, people and the life around you. which makes me wary about blogging about my work actually, or my life in details and my thoughts..which makes it then not worthwhile to blog if i have to self-censor myself.
but then as K said it we have a lot of our 'clients' weblogging too. which i know. that is why, to whom ever gets here ..i dont have a links section coz things can get a lil bit complicated with the linking sometimes. and if you know me, and just want a link..maybe dun use my name hor. that is why also i am happy for the older site to just die. as for my fav reads, i simply bookmark em on my browser.
then there is also the other case where we get wary of strangers..not people we know in real life or people who have already identified themselves to us online...
while we have online, some parts of ourselves written for all, strangers included, to see, it never fails to make some people think they know the whole sum of us. and from here, we have a lot of wasted time and energy of blogbitching and comment-hijackers...it is sooo ridiculous..why bother?
but i guess it is inevitable..(but that doenst mean i cant take measures not to waste my time and whoeveryouare time), coz it's one of the reasons why the guy is not interested in watching reality shows...coz he said for some people it brings out the voyeur in them. and me, we , you all, just cant help reading and then commenting, tagging, even talking about it offline..and be judgemental about me, us, you and them..just as we think the characters in *name your reality show here* is *bitchy/manipultive/boring/bimbo/snobbish* and the list goes on...
while in actual fact they are edited by the producers, and may only potray parts of the personalities.
the ones online however of course are self-produced, self-scripted, and most times with self-potraits included. and everything here can be edited. which is wonderful...and both phenomena just feeds on the kaypohness in human, and some said particulary for the female of the species. myself, guilty as charged. and got to add, the narcissists in us. why do you think then, the self potraits?
here online, we have our own reality shows and we have all the choices, just take your pick of "the day in the life/ in the head of the "angtsy teenager/smart ass/ slutty gal/bridezilla/so inlove with themselves couples/materialistic person/gal very *frust*...." and the list goes on..... depending on how ever we want to judge these characters and how these characters want to potray themselves unwittingly or otherwise..and myself may fall in any ones of these categories..i understand..and accept that (to add that bcoz he doenst want to be categorise and have to potray himself as something. which he cant anyway.he doenst want to blog. plus also because he's already not into writing lah) we even have blogs according to jobs of the blogger..the most common few i find online..errm dunt want to say. figure it out yourself.
dint even plan to write about the blogging scene..and dun know why i rambled on it..some vomit there i have..
hahah just wanted to say next few days and week will be busy period for moi. i will however be taking part in a run this weekend
wish me luck and pray the haze clears.