"was just thinking about this the other day. It seems like the whole time I was in school I was all about graduating so I could actually make a little $. Now I'm making a little $ and wouldn't ya know it, I feel broker (is that actually a word?) than I was when I was in school. Poo."
we thought we are the only ones gripping! think again!
anyway i succumbed and placed links so that at least i have some guidance or well..errrm maybe just some interesting reads as i sail through in tis "adult" world.
hahah..but they dont always have adult tips..
"Weirdest financial tip I've ever gotten:
I used to work with a girl who froze her credit cards into huge blocks of ice. Thus, if she ever considered using one, she'd have to wait for several hours for the ice to melt. Usually, she'd have reconsidered the purchse before she could get the card out. And apparently, this did no damage to the credit card"
today he is helping his parents strip the house..hahah ya they are doing some major reno meno there. and yesterday and today was strip the wallpaper day. his mum is just very happy and that day she called me sounding so..to talk about our lil campaign. except that it wasnt really..i didnt do much. i just told him his mum was upset that instead of doing reconstructing somewhere else she would have prefered he did the reconstructing back home. so he stayed.
anwyay..i couldnt help with the stripping coz i had to reccee one lil island for a coming trip. this morning went cycling at ubin! and i nearly died..i mean i am so terribly unfit now..at some points, i just wished i could stop and hail a cab.hahah..

errr.. okay i know now this kitty slippers are not for cycling

our coconut drink break
too tired, sweaty or too consumed in trying to get that damn gear thing right, to take much photos.
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