the other day i had lunch at his place..and his mum cooked lontong for lunch. and i had to politely ask her how she made it, coz firstly i wonder what made her make such a high cholestrol artery choking meal (santan, you know) and secondly i just wanted to know the recipe. but as i found out, she is on top of things and had it made using "high calcium low fat milk" with minimal oil. what can i say, i have a lot of catching up to do..
my mum cooks occasionally..i cook very rarely..hahah and it depends on the mood really. like a few holidays ago, i was really into trying out dishes, cooking and baking and even invited friends over for dinner/tea parties. i have a few dishes which i think is passable and good enough to invite friends over (how do i know..coz the ask me for the recipes..hahah) but my mum likes to point out..they are simply "weird" vietnamese caramel chicken, springroll, bunthit and a few others non malay dishes which i doubt will impress my mum and more so the MIL2B.
i knew what i had to do..learn a few dishes (NONE of which will be her signature dishes so that there wont be any comparison). something traditional but not so tedious. most cases that is how i do it, mix the premix with some of the spices..though i doubt she will be happy about the "preserved" premix..hahah
to impress her..i suppose i have to learn to make something healthy. and what more can be healhier than steamed fish (fish being her favourite) but alas i have not even yet to start learning how to treat a fish..the only fish dish i am confident of making is fish and chips (dory in batter, not the fish fillet in a box ah) i thought i was going to learn to cook this hols but it is being postponed indefinitely.
coz i simply am not in the mood ( i prob have to learn along the way later) and my energy right now is into something else. this holiday seems to have transformed into a gestation period for ideas for you know what event.

these ones taken from ....something along this line xcept that mine wont be for any shower ;> and it is not so fancy. my DIY projects are for the reception for the close and dear..if it's for the other one, i may just DIE doing them. i have actually make a prototype (which is quite me-pink) and which has been approved by him. yeah! now all i need to do is sort some details..put it in my idea file and maybe months later if i still fancy it, got to find and mobilise the elves to help me :)
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