apart from
that presidential elections, the world press had in the last few days got excited, or at least in geekdom, with the discovery of a new species of 'humans', the
homo floresiensis . and one that also had the press exclaiming, Tolkien was right! Hobbits once
did inhabit this planet..
"On the island of Flores in the Malay Archipelago, scientists have found remains of a race of three-foot high humans who hunted pony-sized elephants and rats as big as dogs and who battled dragons with saliva laced with deadly bacteria."- Guardian
this is exciting coz it means there was another species that co-existed with our 'ancestors', homo erectus, and this requires a relook at the history of evolution of modern man.
"Instead of following a simple evolutionary path culminating in modern humans - Homo sapiens - the discovery of LB1 suggests early humans branched into many more forms than previously thought - some of which survived until very recently.-New Scientist"
and also new evidence which says that if you have small brain/head, doesnt mean you are stupid.
"The find also shows that small-brained humans could evolve without losing much of their intelligence.-New Scientist"
well, okay, the small brain part is actually my own interpretation.
what is very exciting also ...
"Now the hunt is on for living relatives of Flores's little folk.
Local legends speak of a tiny race of jungle dwellers called the Ebu Gogo, not just on the island but around the rest of the Malay Archipelago, a string of mysterious tropical islands - home to orang-utans, giant turtles and rare birds and bats - that spread like jewels between Asia and Australia.
Strange little people hiding in this exotic jungle"
actually, there is already a search going on..for another hobbit-like cryptid which has no proven relation to the newly discovered man of flores..but nevertheless is known as "orang pendek". i am serious. go google "ORANG PENDEK" and see what you get.
they have found foot prints and fine reddish/orange hair so far, but no conclusive scientific sightings as yet. so, as i was telling phyz last night, and now to all of you who now know of this scentific endeavour..if you
DO know of sightings or come across any strange mysterious ORANG PENDEK especially those with
fine orangish hair, while traipsing around in geylang, marsiling, woodlands or anywhere else in our exotic jungle...
don't hesitate, report them to the science centre, ya.
the theory of evolution is itself very debatable. for muslims, on the side of the creationists, the idea itself is blasphemous, if you have a lot of spare time,, may want to read the free downloadable copy of harun yahya's refutations to this darwinian theory from his site.
part of me however actually believe in this theory..the ape to man story is of coz hard to swalllow..but the facts on mutation, theory on natural selection and survival of the fitest, shows that there exist a body of evidence. and we have also been asked to look at worldy evidence as testaments to god's work.. i know the theory is but a theory..not sure if this is a contradictory thing. so only sure thing i can say about the darwinian debate is, only god knows.
*addendum: i hope i din offend anyone, especially if vertically challenged, on the last para on the search for orang pendek. it was meant to be tongue in cheek.