the choc chip cookies that i had done earlier..i first tried making them for raya in 2002..the last time when i was also oh so free..i even got the recipe down on a site. so here it is for some who had asked.
there comes a point however in the cookie/kuih baking expedition that i choose to embark on some hari raya seasons..where i think i had enough. the ghost of martha stewart in me has been fully exorcised...and i am ready to move on to other things like....
* spring cleaning *
but before that! today i did another cookie. to tell the truth, there's only two cookies i can confidently bake on my own with the assurance that they will turn out edible. one is my chocchip cookie and the other one is this cornflake cookie.
the cornflake cookie recipe can be found in the chefwan baking book..this year however,unfortunately for me, i have misplaced the book, and ermmm i din blog or have the recipe online either. searched high and low everywhere but still cant find it. my mum cant exactly remember the recipe i gave up on kellogs.. and did something else out of the belen belen (remaining) materials..
aaahh.. i dun do traditional cookies you see, but i am going to start my own tradition with these ones.

somehow they remind me of the type of cookies that lil girls may well serve in their masak masak tea parties, dont they? ..but of coz..after all the creator of these cookies was playing masak-masak in her kitchen...
anyway, i am calling them twinkie-stars. phyz has volunteered to finish them off for me if nobody else will :)
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