if you are as ..errmm.. old as me.. you might have possibly gone to see this movie on a date. and it was one of the very first few movies we watched during the courtship days. and for a good reason, it had one of the IT boys then, ethan hawke, post-reality bites day..

Before Sunrise 1995
"When Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) met on a Eurail train, the connection between them was immediate and profound. The 14-hour relationship that followed, as the pair explored the spontaneous and unexpected in Vienna, ended on a train platform where they swore they'd meet again six months later.
They never did.
Nine years have passed since that morning..."

Before Sunset 2004
"...Sunset tops the first installment because it involves characters who have more life under their belts. nothing like a few years to clarify a personality.""
nothing like a few years.......
as for the earlier movie, before sunrise, it was actually the inspiration for a song of the same name recorded by a group of boys i know. nine years have passed since then...
that group has since disbanded but for the record, now one of 'em is a tv producer, one i last heard was in UC Berkeley, one is doing very well in an events company and the last one...is going to be married to moi..heh..
* i have here a song by that group of four..not the one with the same tittle as the movie..but one of my favourites nevertheless.
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