the hari raya mood had not sunk in yet for me till tonite.
tonite i baked my first batch of cookies..and tell the truth, i got a sudden urge to bake becoz of some luvlies whom i wanted to present the cookies to. i had some vague plans to bake for hari raya but it was just some vague plan.

now i am glad i got off my lazy ass to start baking my humble easy peasy home-economics classic chocolate-chip cookies (which to me however doesnt taste too shabby)..and now its got me inspired to make my vague plan more concrete for raya.

while baking, my mum reminisced about the days when she was a kid in the old house. how the women folks would gather together and in a collective effort bake several different types of kuih raya. and she talked about a few of the matriaches that had left us..and that is when she got me so emo..see i am becoming like an old makcik ..

and i am going to scare him right here by saying, that maybe i shall uphold this tradition.. that in baking these cookies i have this secret hope that one fine day in the future i will have a baking session with my kids, doing the very same home-economics chocchip cookies ..which we will eat hot from the oven, or have them dunked in some cold milk..hahahah..sound so domestic and maternal right.
and i have even bizare thoughts on food..hahah..this must be an unconscious effect of this book which i read years ago..LWFC. i love to eat, and for the few who had seen me express myself whenever i have a good bite of my favourite food..i wish for the day that the stuffs i can conjure will have that same effect on my luv i just need him to give me some rose petals and i'll get the quail.
On 'like water for chocolate':
"The kitchen becomes a veritable reservoir of creative and magical events, in which the cook who possesses this talent becomes artist, healer, and lover.
Culinary activity involves not just the combination of prescribed ingredients, but something personal and creative emanating from the cook, a magical quality which transforms the food and grants its powerful properties that go beyond physical satisfaction to provide spiritual nourishment as well."
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