love me if you dare..

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And tho I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose
When you press me to your heart
I’m in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak...angels sing from above
Everyday words turn into love songs
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose
this is for the babe who asked me about a song i had here previously..
the lyrics, oh so romantic.

i had the song stuck in my head for many days as well. it was after i watched this movie, which was sad and warped. this is the dvd you have to find ok.
2 Comments: sucker for romance!!! hehehe
thanx! that lampshade is made of it from a small, low profile shop along geylang.....we went to so many shop and this shop was our final stop. we didnt think they have anything this lamp was an unexpected find...
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you so much is!!! saya sayang awak banyak banyak!!!
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