
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i'm with N/K/F

honestly i've always thought of the organisation as a business. as a charitable business. i think we need to have a mindset change that NGO does not always need to be NPO (non-profit organisation). the issue of course is how they make use of the money that is given to them...

if we take the NGO as a business enitity in terms of its efficiency, in terms of its entrepeneurship and breaking new grounds in funding many in need from dialysis to terminally ill children to cancer, none that i know have that many under their umbrella of services as NKF. or none that i know can last long or have anybody to work with them as long as employees of NKF. it is a leader in social entrepeneurship here.

and how long can we realistically hold down a good worker if we pay them peanuts? if we need them to work for the good of society for long? isnt that why ministers, and teachers (well, okay NOT that highly paid but i heard comparatively the pay IS better than other civil servants) are paid well? we are paid higher than the world average. i dont see anything wrong if NKF is run like an NKF inc with large reserves if we can accept Singapore Inc with always healthy GDP and reserves, and well-paid officers.

i have to agree also with what was said in the NP by one of its patrons. if you think of NKF as a multi-million organisation, $600 000 isnt that much. the 12 month bonus may seem shoddy for a charitable organisation but the 25 000 bucks a month for CEOship is peanuts. i know people who earn that close but they are not any close to a CEOship of any big complex organisation. nor making a difference to society.

and to quote mrbrown " I do think that it is rather naive to expect $200 million to be managed by someone being paid $60k a year. I'd be worried if that were so."

the gold tap is perhaps shoddy, i agree. but if the CEO needs a personal bathroom in his office, i dont see anything wrong with it. he works 7 days a week, 12-14 hrs each day. the man needs to bathe.

the issue here is transparency. that has to be worked out by NKF and their board.

in the mean time, i am still with their cause. i will not discontinue my monthly contribution nor will i make a call to cut down my contribution. we dont have to punish the many in need just because of what we think of one man.


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