Yayapapaya Corporate (Tertiary) Instituition
i am getting a lil bit worried about myself lately. i was just wondering if i am turning into those singaporean women who just like to bitch and complain. am i ?
maybe its me getting edgy. uptight. pmsy. watever. but people get on my nerves more lately. and i had to just complain to him on the way home today for the following reasons which i think are certifiably bitching materials:
1. i attended a series of lectures at a local tertiary institution today. the one that is ranked 18th in the world (cant believe that actually).
during lunch break i was held back at a short meeting. after which i proceeded to the lounge where catered food had been prepared for the participants. as i walked pass the rows of serving dishes, i had a nagging feeling about the food. so i enquired. and to my horror of horrors, they told me the food was not. by then some of the muslims had already been tucking into their food some of which were meat based.
firstly i am pissed not so much at the fellow muslims but at the organisers for their failure to remind the muslims about the food. BECOZ as i found out they were suppose to provide us separate food that was already budgeted for. and today the response was 'oh yah,we were so busy just now we forgot to make the announcement' and the only apology was "oh,tomorrow we give you money to eat outside."
or is it always our responsibility to enquire? perhaps it is and i did. but hey, the event had particpants of multireligous mutiracial background and i think the rest might have just tucked in becoz maybe the assumption had always been for such public events, the organiser would be civil enough to cater halal food from the so many certified caterers. it was not after all some hokkien hwee kan clan gathering.
i think i just might post a complaint. becoz it is not really excusable and simply slipshod behaviour for yet another YA-YA papaya institute.
2. and the second thing i have been pissed about is...this very irresponsible disorganised girl who plan badly and pass over the badly planned task to me! but i am not going to elaborate on this here...
...maybe i am getting stressed huh. the time for holiday is not yet here. maybe its time for me to get into the yoga posses to destress.
i learnt a few today.
aptly called the yoga posses for Corporate Slavery.

taken from: http://modernmonk.blogspot.com
many more posses here
pssst....why don't you stop and smell the roses instead.. ;D
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thanks dolyah.
i am trying to tahan a few more miserable days :)
take a break ok is... go lek lek..go kai kai..
take a break ok is... go lek lek..go kai kai..
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