nothing without labour.

we took a break from work for a dinner it was our 2nd month anniversary. i know its only been 2 months, but it had seem to us a long time. and i just had to get a reoprt card on how i was faring.
have to say adjusting to married life wasnt too difficult for me. as i had mentioned before i am very it is still fine with me that our room tho looking more presentable now with a real bed, still reminds me of my hostel room. shabby but not too chic as i told a friend. we will slowly get there huh.
and a few other things like wifely duties of making breakfast and dinners. i havent got much chance since our mornings are always a mad rush to get to work on time. so breakfast is always a quick bite on the run or our own at the workplace. dinner has been so far mainly home-cooked. but not by me. i am spoilt for my mil always have a home-cooked meal ready waiting for us when we get back after 10 or so hours at work. i would like to help but my weekends have been so far working weekends too. but he knows of course i am not hopeless at it. i am actually full of hope that one day i actually get to use the kitchen. he knows what i mean.
but married life defintely has its plus points. for him that will mean things like better sheets. yes, now he knows the meaning of threadcounts and what dfference they make. like having a share of scrubs, masks and conditioner. mine is pretty much the same, except i have him to wake up to now..someone to disturb in the middle of the night. someone else now other than my parents to remind me to take the spoonfull of cod liver oil (he remembered my dad's instructions ..that i have to be forcefed to take my supplements)..
and we had our tiffs. that's unavoidable even after ten years right. in this case i have to say we are a partneship of equals. we both can scold and nag at each other. no one does it more or better than the other. and the tiffs and arguments, sometimes it can start from something trivial. but somehow they will get us all mad and upset at their moments but we both know these are none threatening issues. and they remain to be, so we have learnt to just let go. and i have learnt that american way of 'taking a moment' . i have to add tho..tiffs like these are so far infrequent. can count with just one hand..or maybe less. which is good aite.
so in summary..the learning curve has been nicely gentle.
it has been a crazy past few weeks..and everyone's saying 'hang in there'. sometimes when times are like these, you feel like throwing in the towel..and dream about being a housewife ..but at times like these you also find small little gestures and actions that motivate you and you realise that the things you do have some significance.
and so someone also told me today "maybe we should move beyond success to significance."

i am counting the weeks for my break. as mentioned before, i had planned for us to go hiking. so the exciting plan was to climb mt rinjani in lombok where we are heading.
but my schedule had meant that i have no time to train and the same for him. been reading and surfing online about our climb..and somewhere i read " Time magazine did a feature on this particular climb in 2001 and declared it to be difficult, treacherous, and extremely worthwhile. The adventure is akin to climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, but tougher" *gulp*
hi ter.
i need some info abt pulau perhentian. travel, accomodation, etc.
boleh tunjuk ajarkan sikit?
trima kaseh.
hi tya! no probs..i remember how stressful it can be n i was sure glad i had help too..heheh. u just rest eh..dah nak dekat. let e ehmm..cik wedding planner kita tu do her job ..v sure yours will be beautiful ;)
hi encik dol,
dah lama beta tak ke pulau impian tu..nasib baik geocities masih hidup..
have fun! go to the perhentian kecil! information last updated in 2003..e transport details shud be the same..yg lain lain..u update me lah when u get there n back!
ok maceh.
btw, wer did u stay kat kechil?
dulu ingat ingat, we stayed at long beach inn..but i just checked, dah tukar nama jadi lily chalet.harga pun dah tukar. used to be abt 70RM for double.
you hubby is an ex-vs boy kan? that's why the Nil Sine Labore.. no one else would use it unless one is a Victorian.
looks like marraige life is going pretty well.. good for you! =)
hiee lush,
now i remember..u'r there now rite..dats why u recognised that.
that's actually a guestcard from our wedding..we were looking thru at em ..he is NOT n never shall give me a greeting of nil sine laboure..heh
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