last week when i decided i need a break, left work early and met a friend for tea. she told me,
'eh, i told my colig i am meeting a friend from M , and she asked me if you are from M KL, coz they have very good deals with great service there..'
it happens that my friend's colig have been trawling the web at work for promos on hotels, airfares or basically getaway deals for her and hubby..and she seems to be planning one each holiday/long weekend to 'escape' her parents whom she stays with.
sounds familiar.
not that i want to escape..but it's that wanderlust ..that itch getting to me again after a year or so of deprivation..
so i got meself a new role as wife, which is to be the holiday planner for the two of us.. and tonight i have just sold the idea to him. that this june we shall go trekking! yes. which was part of my BIGM list. now a BIGP plan.
if all goes well..insyallah

side chat with friend on msn this afternoon:
continuation of that baby name chat...
+ " eh, decided i want mountain names as part of my kid's name"
+ " aisha rinjani"
- "sounds ranjan ranjan"
+ " but the rinjani sounds nice"
+ " the guy will be ali bromo"
- " so scary"
+ "can lah..then all the K1 kiddies will be scared of him"
other alternatives Khamis Krakatao, Citra Agung (after Mt Agung), Ayung Lestari (not a mt, but the river ayung)
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