'Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories. The first - the story of our quest for sexual love - is well known and well-charted. The second - the story of our quest for love from the world - is a more secret and shameful tale. And yet this second love story is no less intense than the first.'
from one of my favourite writers..
the last one i read from him 'how proust can change your life' with chapters such as my favourites, 'how to suffer sucessfully', 'how to take your time' and 'how to be a good friend' , ...now ..

Power, rank, reputation, appearance — unless you're extraordinarily self-sufficient, you care about these things. Even if you don't, you're aware of them.
This is a book about an almost universal anxiety that rarely gets mentioned directly: an anxiety about what others think of us; about whether we're judged a success or a failure, a winner or a loser.
he's one author that i have been practicing 'pass it on' with some friends. coz he is hilarious if not thought provoking in his works..
go read.alaindebotton.com
hi Is! i finally found ur blog, at last!!
thanks for tagging n the url. appreciate dat very much. i didn't know where to "find" u at first, so i commented on hana's blog, hoping dat u'll read. heh. :)
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