i am busy. how busy? crazy busy..so much so i think i have been eating a lot..but i am loosing weight. that happens when i get stressed, my metabolic rate somehow rev up..partly also becoz i am surviving on less than 5 hours of sleep. and i am stressed.
our marriage therefore is as exciting ..every friday night, we are just so very exhausted. fridays have become a 'catch-up on sleep' nights for several fridays now.
but it is normal. we are used to the hours like that. as long as it is not continous. i have accepted it as part of modern living. no? the only complaint i have is that my working hours are not as flexible as before when i could do an all-nighter and go to work late :S
i know it's mummie's weekend. but inspired by Dear Child. i looked through my folders for my take on it.

ali and aliah 1

ali and aliah 2

emi n haziq
hi is,
u bz bz eh.....
i lost weight too wen i get stressed up...u eat vit C tak? i tink Vit C helps to reduce anxiety due to stress.... :)
u take care tau~~...
btw, u dah dpt the invite tak? let me know if u can make it or not yar... tanx.. :)
i know i should take sone vit C...but everything gets out of whack when i hv a lot of work :P
i got it! thks so much. insyalllah..that weekend..byk bookings/jemputans..but i will try :)
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