"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered,
those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.
Thus the wise win before the fight,
while the ignorant fight to win."

someone i know is taking up aikido (doesnt she look abit like a yoko-ono doing the peace sleep-in in the photos?) , and taking up the sport also happens to be one in my BIGO list.. i have the desire to take up martial arts again..
why? coz i have the desire to throw people, if not my weight around..hahaha..
"I like tall men. I like to turn them into small men."
- A Tomiki Aikido Sensei
jokes aside, i was a judo-ka and represented my school when i was 18. i did not perserve long enough to have a respectable grading, but i am still quite proud of the fact that being a rather lightweight or maybe featherweight in the world of judo, i managed to outthrow, outwit a much bigger and bulkier opponent in one of the competitions i entered. the principles of judo, is very much application of physics. judo is very much a game of outwitting your opponent by waiting and spotting his weak moment and taking advantage of it..in the case of me overcoming a bigger opponent, making use of her strength in forward attack to overthrow her by applying the principle of moment..my leg being the fulcrum to pivot her weight about and making use of her very force on me to throw her off.
The word Judo is comprised of two kanji: "ju" (柔), which means gentleness or giving way, and "do" (道), meaning way of life (the same character as the Chinese "tao".) Thus Judo literally means "the gentle way" or "the way of giving way". Judo takes from jujutsu ("gentle art") the principle of using one's opponent's strength against him. Kano saw jujutsu as a disconnected bag of tricks, and sought to unify it according to some principle: he found it in the notion of "maximum efficiency". Jujitsu techniques involve redirecting the opponent's force, off-balancing the opponent, or making use of superior leverage.
other than that sweet moment of victory, i also remember judo, or more so competitive judo as a sport with ardous streinous trainings. sweat and sometimes blood soaked judo-gi..the tumblings, the cart wheels, the suffocating chokes..were all fun when one was 18. my friend reminded me all that when i said i wanted to take up judo again..heh..not too sure now if i want to go tumbling around in sweeaty gi at this age ...and since not a lot of places offer judo classes other than the association..i think i mite take up aikido instead..the principles are more or less the same and the cc near my house is offering aikido course. so maybe you'll get to see tis girl donning her gi once more ...
and as for my BIGO list..sometimes i wonder if that may just translate to be a BIGM list..
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