yesterday, he drove me home..we were on the main road, approaching a junction, and this car was coming through without stopping first. he sounded the horn..but the stupid driver did not stop..anyway we missed the car by a mere whisker and both cars just had a tiny bit of paint mum sounded worried when i recalled the incident to her.but i was just too tired to feel anything about it.
the worse road incident which i personally got myself into was when i was riding pillion on a motorbike overseas. it came back to me as i read about the fatal accident at batam. i was on the bike with someone who obviously did not have a bike license (because they ARE lax about this overseas) it was a scary ride especially the roads were winding, along mountainous terrains and sometimes a road was just next to a steep slope that plunged down to the sea. my nervousness showed and it happened as we were going back from lunch. we skidded as we turned a corner and i had my calf skin badly scrapped. the experience sort of unnerved me alright, and i took it as a retribution for not listening to my parents..ahhahah who were not too happy that i just left on the spur for a holiday.
my friends and me, we had done our fair share of reckless think of it when i was young(er), i didnt think too much when i do some things and often do things on a wimp. now i am more cautious..simply because i feel that it is just too irresponsible of myself, if i do something that put myself in danger, purposefully and recklessly. it comes with the realisation that my actions not only affect myself but also my loved ones... you know, actually, when i think about it, this comes about simply because i have too many bills to pay..hahah like "who will feed my family and pay the bills.." yeah yeah, ,there's that thing called insurance. but STILL...heh.
do i sound like an aunty? yeah, he thinks so too..and he thinks i am paranoid a lot of times too..i want not to fear. i can have a heart attack and die while seating infront of the laptop. but heck, it is not wrong to want to be safe(r) than sorry.

the holiday that could have been more fun had i not had been 'skinned'
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