it's home building time for a lot of newly weds we of our fav online couples and of coz my lovely cousins (and weblog celebs..hehehe)
last nite, we became the kaypoh makcik n pakcik..since we ran out of ideas wat to do in the east..decided to pay my cousins a visit at their new lovenest..i guess we like to share the joy of lovely newly married couple's new house..because we wont be having a new place of our i have to say i am jeles..muahahah..becoz i also want ma own place..we instead can only call a bedroom and one other room to call our own next year. since both of us like to entertain, we hope our friends will still be willing to pay our small lil attic room a visit.
i have already start imagining wat our bodouir and guest room shall look like. right now his room is not very imaginative since it is still bilik mattress thrown on the floor, a stereo system and big tv with cable is all it takes for his friends to keep coming to his room so that he wont feel as lonely.
of coz later we have to make sure the additional guest and entertainment room has to be interesting enough to keep our friends coming i asked my friend mk for help..and these were his suggestions..

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