watched supersizeme last night. i was munching on fries and burger while watching the movie..hahah how ironic..but i was damn hungry..and hey, i had bk not mcD..
my boy has a love-hate afffair with mcD ever since so long. he's a junk food and fried food addict actually so he loves their fries..but deep inside he feels guilty for supporting the evil clown ronald mcdonald because sometimes he has this anti-corporation sentiments...

the funniest part of the show, besides the john lennon looking guy who has been eating bigMac everyday, was one prof's explanation to morgan on how kids are socialised to associate good feelings with something like eating out at mcD (the birthday parties, the play pen, the funny clown) that morgan replied that he may just punch his kid everytime they pass mcD..errmm i wonder if maybe i should try a more subtle form of treatment for my kid someday when we pass mcD.

we watched the movie with riz and sw..and riz is on a very healthy diet coz the boy is trying to build some muskles..and since they were not as greedy as me, they decided to forgo the junk food munching while watching movie and opt for dinner that tong seng coffeshop at bugis (found out we can eat at the second floor) dinner consist of healthy fish soup and rice..low-fat..which was funny coz he used to laugh at phyz for stocking up on only apples in the hostel. which he thought was kuniang thing for guys who should stock up junk food.
our conclusion after watching the show...
- the obese thing will not happen in singapore..because the food chain here are going the other way. mini size me..hahah have you noticed that the size of the burgers are getting smaller and smaller..and the fries pack are not so bountiful
- it 's an american's the size thing. i was there for a few months..and everyting comes in extra large portion...we asians cant stomache that much food..
- mcD's is evil..hahh but so are few hundred other things in the supermarket and convenience know, the pringles, the red sue 7-11? and our hawkers..too..the list goes on..
- riz was comparing morgan's cholestrol level to his mum's cholestrol level..hahah and guess what? no surprise...all the santan and the minyak beats the evilness that mcD is..anyway..we also think it will be a great experiment to get a skinny , typically small boned with small hip, chinese lass who eats yong tafoo and fish soup all the time, to go on a coconut rich malay diet for thirty days and see how she fares. see if she can get that 'prosperous' and 'healthy' look.
having said all that i am not saying i defend them..if have a choice i rather eat somewhere my take is, your diet is your own choice and responsibility.
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