*skyline taken by phyz*
i was having a conversation with someone over lunch yesterday,insisting that it was really lame to blame the blackout on the gas supply tripping...i had worked for a bid on the energy market before and i recalled they should have a back up..plus a few other reasons why i think it wasnt exactly satisfying to make the claim they did earlier.
the gahmen as reported takes this very very seriously..but sometimes i wish the people in the civil service and some singaporeans in general to lighten up! of course the power failure is no joke..but hey, even major cities had blackouts, and people there at least know how to chill out. singaporeans,very tight assed...well okay, we are no major city..and hahah so we are saying here our ability to survive is really bad. but remember, we are suppose to be more tolerant towards mistakes and failures..so what if there is a blackout. it was rectified in what? a few hours? our ability to withstand a few glitches in the oh-so-perfect-air-conditioned island dome we have here, seems to be quite thin..no wonder the kids are so weak these days..why dont we look on the bright side that this happen due to a trip and not to a terrorist attack as some feared? and at least it could have been taken as some sort of surprise exercise for everyone involved..ie those abang abang scdf, those trapped in the lifts, and for those who stay in bungalows and never in their life had to bathe without hot water to experience what surviving without electiricity is like....
i had experienced a few blackouts myself, probably around a decade or two ago..this time round however, my place wasnt affected at all. because as was reported, the place where i stay, one the few places in the south..was not affected. also by the time the blackout happened, i was already knocked out. fast asleep in bed.
an ex-colleague introduced me to this sometime ago..and recently i found a drink form sold in some convenience stores here, that beats red bull...doesnt sound healthy but it works. she had brought with her, the ones in herbal pill form, which were more potent.
her story was that someone in her class took too much of that for the exam-mugging. he was wide awake 2 nights in a row. so on the the 3rd day, after the exams, the guy went shopping. unfortunately, the energy boost wore off . the guy passed out in the train for hours before waking up and finding his shopping gone.
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