
Thursday, July 08, 2004

tis morning i woke up with a terrible cramp and a splitting headache. suffice to say, i found out why i have been in such terrible cranky mood (besides the work that never ends)..

so last night, his guess was right despite my vehement protest that it wasnt true..and i shall commit a betrayal to my listing down the most annoying thing about women folk..let's just say he loves me but he finds some traits of mine annoying enough to tell me truth that that behaviour(not me!) sucks..but anyway this list is not by him but from some men's mag...and i have this up to say, yeah honey i am sorry for treating you like an emotional crutch last night. more so, you have to understand that i am not ALWAYS like that..and other women (you have to know since you never really dated other women) are about the same..

10 MOST ANNOYING THINGS ABOUT WOMEN..(an extract from a s k m e n . c o m)

- Number 10 : Pretend to be virtuous
A recurring theme among many women is that they try to place themselves under a "holier than thou" light, never admitting that they fooled around or dividing their number of boyfriends by five. Now, we applaud those ladies who truly are innocent and pure, but the rest should stop trying to water down their past. Women are allowed to have just as much fun as guys, and they should find a man who can appreciate that.

Number 9 : Criticize other women

Why is it that many women can't make a simple compliment toward another woman? They love to nitpick about everything from weight to hairstyle and everything in between. Only a woman will notice if another woman's shoes don't match her purse and turn it into a calamity. Granted there are some women who are readily willing to admit when another woman is hot (and hopefully invite her over for a ménage), but most don't want to distract their men with any competition. Nevertheless, we spot the hot ones anyway.

- hmmmm... i think i dont do this i? i am more critical of my slenge self more..

Number 8 :Act jealous
Oftentimes, just mentioning another woman's name can spell the end of your existence. Imagine, then, the warfare you'll have to endure if she finds out you were at a gentleman's club. Call it what you will, but a lot of women have this thing that causes them to second-guess everything, especially their man's loyalty.

- guilty but not of other women

Number 7 : Become needy
Some women have some serious security issues. They need their men to hold them, rub them, and tell them how special they are. They turn men into their emotional crutch and look to us for moral, mental and emotional support.
There's a real irony here when you think of all the women who go out of their way to show us how independent they are. These are usually the same women who become extremely insecure once they finally fall in love. Of course, as tempting as it may be to use this to our advantage, I think most men would prefer the tougher version. This way, they'd at least retain some peace of mind

- hate myself for this..but sometimes cant help it..i need to feel sayang..errr..

Number 6 : Speak in code
The old "What are you thinking?" question is a timeless example of how women love to test their men and search for our true feelings about them. They hurdle obscure, theoretical questions at us that, according to them, we're supposed to know the answer to if we're really their soul mates.

Number 5: Invade our personal space
Women have this instinctive tick that makes them want to groom us anytime they want and make our personal belongings theirs

- Have yet to find out..but i dont think so i will..dear..i am willing to invade if you want me too tho..

Number 4: Become too emotional
They cry over anything: a sad movie (or even a happy one), a broken nail, or a haircut gone awry. What's worse, they expect us to clean up the emotional mess. And if there's one thing we suck at, it's dealing with a crying woman on our shoulder.

- I am not too emotional thank pass me that tissue..

Number 3: Shop till they drop
When it comes to shopping, there just aren't enough hours in the day for most women. Whether it's browsing, window-shopping, or an all-out spending spree, they can spend hours on end in a shoe store, among others, without even thinking about food, water, or any of their responsibilities..

- You know I am not..hahahah I am a prudent shopper. yes that's the word.

Number 2 :Talk incessantly
Chris Rock nailed it when he said that asking how her day went renders a 45-minute conversation. Most women love to talk, and if you give them the ammo, they won't stop. It's not that we don't care about what they have to say; it's just that we don't need to hear every minute detail.

-havent you heard,a woman on average needs to verbalise at least 3000 words a day?

Number 1: Use sex as a weapon

In the war of the sexes, it's all about who wears the pants in the relationship. Oftentimes most women, in an effort to show their superiority, will attack men's universal weak spot: sex. And while I applaud them for this gutsy tactic, they really should leave the basic human needs alone, don't you think?

- Errrr... let's just see about this ...later