in one episode, the lady was made to feel guilty for spending too much on a pair of shoes which was deemed frivilous, by a friend who has now gotten a family and a mortgage to pay......since i have just as many bills to pay, i have to say i have never been shoe-shamed dear, coz i have never splurge on any extravagant purchase of shoes..tis new favourites of mine..i got it for under 40bukz... sweet. ....and as some shoe hoarders will know it..i have to work around to find clothes to match the shoes..since friday is pants day for me.. safe conservative day..

and as for the tv series that inspired me, to be more adventurous with my shoe choices (well ok, my frens an-an n dor have a role too here ).... it makes its debut on our isle tonight... finally...
and one of my theories on why this show is still engaging even to the last episode..is because the characters did not have to play musical chairs to date/sleep with one another or for that matter their best friends' partners..as in some other shows..my interest in some shows (yes. even friends) just plummet when the characters play this partner exchange programme or out of the blue develop some romantic interest in each other. duh. and why eventually season 5 onwards are passed to screen, i think it's because the girls have mellowed here and there is less of the S in it compared to the earlier seasons which also had more of the promiscous behaviour (tsk tsk tks)
*anyway, we went with his parents to book his decor tonite. tonite i just felt like i am quite done for now with the wedding...
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