go march like a penguin
i had a not so pleasant ending to the week yesterday. was in a long meeting. someone was getting a bit offensive on me...and i was left feeling rther pissed. my friend said i looked obviosly so..she had never seen my face like that..hah
so i wanted to feel better. suggested we go watch a show. it was a toss between perth or the penguins. since it was a depressing week, i said, penguins. at least it will remind me there is life out in the world there apart from deadlines and nitpickers. perth as i had remembered from the review..is rather depressing.

so we went to watch march of the penguins last night. it's a beautiful show on a year in the life of emperor penguins in antartica. the visuals were beautiful. and surprisingly the story was touching. continuing ones lineage has never look so difficult.
it was a beautiful show except for the part that the narratives were in chinese. it was jarringly horrible. i would have prefered to watch it in silence. or perhaps order the american dvd version online.
one critic had said about the show "except for the part on the leopard seal eating up the penguins, penguins are like you and me"
i however beg to differ. experience tells me, we do have these leopard seals among us dont we ? ready to eat us up..
ate chicken we did however last week.
updated in girlcaneat.
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