my $9.90 airfare to phuket
well, okay..with taxes and all..the final price got to be $90 eventually for return fare..but that isnt a bad price either.

that trip to phuket last week, we went there by harimau airways, making that our first trip by a local budget carrier..not the first budget airline trip coz we had taken virginair and airasia before. but both of these were really short ones not lasting more than an those didnt really count..let me now however recount my 1/1/2 hr trip to phoookett
we booked it around early july. yupz, quite early coz they had a promo rate then (oooh, but we met shafi and sham onflight and they had booked their flight since march!) also helps that you have like-minded friends. dor alerted me on it, so we booked ours shortly after she booked hers.
a few things about it being save cost, they have no customer service number..actually they do have a phone service. but it's one way, meaning they can contact you but if you try to connect to the same number again it wont connect.
i learnt so when on the day of departure, there was a delay due to technical faults! and i kept missing calls from a particular no..which was unconnectable when i tried calling back. they eventually got me but i got to know of the delay first through dor.
so first thing there was the delay. 2 hours of it. but it was fine with us coz we had things to catch up here.
the plane we got onto was airbusA320. i have travelled in small planes, the smallest was a pratt&whitney (the ones you can see the propeller blades), and let me just say i dont like small planes. any turbulence, and or changes in altitude are visibly felt, even the slightest. particularly somehow when they are landing, its always kind of weird. i remembered one gliding for ever so long and another one kind of did sharp turns of altitude. makes me edgy.
this lil plane we took last week sets new grounds for me on travel in a small plane..when it was taking off, it made the loudest ever whirring sound.geez..dor was looking at me across the aisle and going something like "what the f****!" coz it was really loud, and not anything we had ever heard before and we thought the plane was just going to crash. but the stewardess were cool (not showing peculiar behaviour like the MAS ones that felt to their knees and started praying on that sydney flight) so we pretended to be cool as well..the noise went on for a very long time until after it was a few minutes after cruising.
the rest of the trip was fine for me, but not really for phyz, his 6 feet frame felt kind of squashed in the very compact seating arrangement. they packed the seats to the max, the seats were very close.
and the menu was also cute. they dont serve food but you can order from the menu. it was cute because it was just a piece of typed word document and xeroed and reused..hahaha kind of reminds us of the photocopied lists and notes in schools.
we just had to order snacks and drinks inflight. coz it was boring, with no entertainment..hahah and see what my friends were doing...

the hols would start when we land in phuket, not while they were catching up on some work there!
have to say, so was i!
in conclusion, the flight was alright except for the unnerving whirring. the compact sardine packing seating was fine given that it was only around 1 1/2 hr flight. i would however if i can pay a bit more to be in a more comfortable flight for anything longer than that.
we enjoyed the trip very much.
at $90 for airfare, that's at least 50% savings for our airfare.
we also got a really good deal at a fantastic place in phuket at 75% off published rates.
like what some people say, it's not how much you spend, it's how much you save ;)
alamak is ni macam seram i nak naik tiger airways! :S
anyways, can gimme e lobang which site you get e 75% off published rates? veryyy goood deal lei!
hi cik esah
ah ah..seram jugak but oklah..only a short part of it during take off aje bunyi bingit..after dat ok :)
i got the rate by emailing directly to e hotel:
or if u r interested in other places, can check
wah Is, u've really saved heaps seh! can i ask u for lobangs if needed? hehe..
hi is
the last time i travel on tiger airways was on the trip to BKK last april and we kinda regret taking it!! On the way to BKK, there was a very bad turbulence, and for a solid 10seconds the airplane was such a bumpy ride. There was screaming everywhere!
and on our trip back, the airline made us wait in the queue for a whole hour before they opened up their line. bad service!
i dont think i wanna take penerbangan harimau ever again... hahaha..
it's a common knowledge that companies related with GLCs tend to rip off the customers expectations, in this case a subsidary to SIA.
anyway, i think the 1 1/2 flight sure beats the 4 hours van trip from hatyai to phuket, yes? :>
i would like to suggest though, may you do a travel package for the good 'ol people of singapore? lonely planet can only inform so much. :|
nani, flight to bkk surely longer thn phuket..n kecik plane will feel turbulence i feel same way oso. may not take harimau for long trip to bkk :<
hahahahahahha..the 4 hrs van to hatyai! ar u refering to phy's prev singlehood trips..i will NEVER succumb myself to that. even if it is MUCH cheaper. can die!
i dun mind pckg deals..but i prefer to surf n sort my own best package for now..and nolah we dont rilly follow lonelyplanet as much as they can be too budget
i surf for my lobangs lah. v boliao but i read travel and destination reviews to dream and destress :)
heheh... i concurr! it's how much u SAVE that matters! kekek..
i detest those vans really! it's hell i tell you! all 14 passengers squeezed into the small van with very little leg room and mysterious packages being transported around.
if they say DVT is a killer for economy class flights, i wonder what they'll name those hatyai vans.
eh but do tell me if ever your husband is going to cambodia / laos.
i'll love to join, hatyai vans et all.
betul ke?
since we areadi had our R&R (relek&romen) trip in phuket, anthr adventure trip 2 laos is a possibility
contact him lah
and how is it possible to contact him?
good qn
will do
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