things that can make one happy
let's first talk about something that make some of us happy. shopping.
i dont really believe in retail therapy honestly..coz i dont like to see my bank account depleting or the bills i get later. but i think i am quite a responsible shopper though i splurge on other things. he think so too..but i told him anyway, when it comes to shopping, i will make a good wife..wont spend my hubby's money away.
to prove the point, i have been using the same handbag which i got from KL last year and would continue using the same one if the zip had not broke (coz someone just decided to tug it when it got stuck to my skirt lining)...and one document bag which was getting worn...
so i decided to go bag shopping ...and ended up with...six bags!!!
from only two-frequently used bags, i have become a bag lady. but he is still proud of me.. i got those six bags for a total cost of $57..aint too bad rite? i shall also try make them last for at least one year.

the day the earth took a jog and wobbled on its axis
..also to know that there is
a geophysicist in the USG who goes by the name of W/A/V/E/R/L/Y P/E/R/S/O/N..i find that funny or just a very apt name for a physicist+geologist studying about earthquakes since he cant escape from studying wave patterns on the seismic charts.
**take action. make a donation. disaster relief for our fellow humankind**
some perspectives shared on the recent event and calamity by friends and family,
"as stories about the tidal wave disaster continue to stay in our consiousness whether we like it or not. the death toll now stands at more than 22 000 and rising. that if we compare to the WTC three years ago is much more. the deathtoll for that event that 'changed' the world was 2795. i am not putting an 'only' in front of that number coz i am not trivializing it but that had so much coverage everywhere plus a special service at a stadium here. was it becoz that was an act inflicted by man..something totally unexpected? or we forgot the numbers from other mankind inflicted disasters?
where is that collective one minute of silence for the children orhpaned, the millions homeless, and the people who had lived below the poverty line now deprived even more?"
and some people, including my mum wont miss talking about it in 'spiritual' terms..
"agaknya ni semua balak? tempat patong tu kan kotor?"
"but aiya, why must wait for a disaster to talk about god? god signs? you want to see god signs..can see everyday and everywhere. you mean we always walk half-blind only waiting for a calamity?"
"kalau ni balak..agaknya air ni semua nak sertu tempat-tempat 'kotor' ni eh?.."
and pasal cakap tempat2 yang kotor and friend started talking about other places yang kotor..yang mungkin akan dapat laknat dari tuhan..and we asked each other... will it be sentosa next? they are on the way to build a casino, a gambling den and attraction for vices. possible? let's say a prayer..or maybe let's take some action here..if you feel against it.
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