before there was britney spears, we were in awe with the dance moves of the school ’s dancers and cheerleaders. and yesterday in the fundraising for campvision, a number of them relived the days of ‘ mass dance ’ years ago, but this time less innocent with their exotic dance with hats and stools ala britney spears, to peggy sue’s fever. they sizzled yet somehow still came across to me more like the cheerleaders and housecaptains i knew years ago.
there was also the auction or bid for hunks-n-babes after that. stayed long enough to see the first guy r.ghosh(!) being bidded. deal was closed after he took off his shirt and his belt, but of coz the highest bidder was none other than his own girlfriend.

told him about the event and toyed with the idea of going for the dance classes, and i think he was excited at the idea. haha, but of coz it has to be for his own exclusive viewing.hahahahah..and of coz I told him, the first exclusive appearance will only be after the wedding, and he will have to pay for my lessons.
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